Spring 2025
1/16 Music 320 & 420 together: Student and TF Presentations
1/23 Music 320 & 420 together: Guest Presentation, Mark Dancigers, Guitar
1/30 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Faculty Presentation, Konrad Kaczmarek
2/06 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Guest Presentation, Hannah Kendall
2/13 Music 320 & 420 together.
2/20 Music 320 & 420 together.
2/27 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Faculty Presentation, Natalie Dietterich
3/06 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Guest Presentation, Liliya Ugay
*** Spring Break ***
3/27 Music 320 & 420 together: Guest Presentation, Juraj Kojs
4/3 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Faculty Presentation, Aaron Kernis
4/10 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Guest Presentation, Eric Nathan
4/17 421/321 Meeting: Final Student Presentations: Session I
4/24 421/321 Meeting: Final Student Presentations: Session II
Fall 2024
8/29 Music 320 & 420 together: Student and TF Presentations
9/5 Music 320 & 420 separately.
9/12 Music 320 & 420 separately.
9/19 Music 320 & 420 together: Faculty Presentation, Natalie Dietterich
09/26 Music 320 & 420 separately.
10/3 Music 320 & 420 separately.
10/10 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Faculty Presentation, Katie Balch
*** Fall Break ***
10/24 Music 320 & 420 separately. Guest Presentation, Wadada Leo Smith
10/31 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Faculty Presentation, David Lang
11/7 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Faculty Presentation, Chris Theofinadis
11/14 Music 320 & 420 together: Guest Presentation, The NOW Ensemble
11/21 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Faculty Presentation, Martin Bresnick
*** Thanksgiving Break ***
12/5 Joint Meeting w/ YSM: Guest Presentation, Andrew Norman
12/12 Music 320 & 420 together: Final Presentations